Congratulations to the 2023-2024 STEMbassadors! These student leaders will serve as STEM ambassadors for fellow students, staff members, and community members visiting our lab and participating in DelranSTEM events throughout the 2023-2024 school year.

STEMbassadors 2023-2024
Chase Aleszcyk - Gabariela Bolton - Natalie Cauley - John Corradino - Madison Detrick - Samantha Dix - Amelia Espinosa - Elaina Faux - Justin Rafanello - Paige Flynn - Joshua Hoffmann - Minnah Khan - Raegan Langowski - Iris Li - Allison Lucuski - Abdullah Malik - Olivia Messina - Lucas Mormando - Aidan Moskowitz - Miahani Pacheco - Samantha Pappa - Joshua Park - Radhika Patel - Sohum Patel -Suhani Patel -Vishwa Patel -Vidhi Patel -Ireland Reynolds - Ishaqali Saiyed - Danniel Santos - Riley Smith -Jacob Speigel - Maddie Speigel - Rayna Staley - Sena Uslu - Alexis Wachter - Harper White - Campbell Willard
STEMbassadors are Delran High School students selected from applicants because they demonstrate a passion for STEM, and possess outstanding communication skills. The learning opportunities within the Delran Innovation & Fabrication Lab space are not available to most high school students across the state and country, since the idea of digital fabrication has only begun to grow in the K-12 sector, to meet the needs of Workforce Development. Delran's STEMbassadors have experience and teach others in computer-aided design software in 2D and 3D, including Corel Draw, FabMakerStudio, Tinkercad, etc. STEM Ambassadors utilize these digital design skills to fabricate on vinyl cutters, 3D printers, laser cutters and die cut machines. While teaching others, including younger students and families during community outreach programs, and adults during staff professional development programs, STEMbassadors share their expertise with others. We are certain that our STEMbassadors will be at the forefront of the next generation of STEM innovators.